Celebrating Befriending Week 2022

Befriending Week 1-7 November 2022 – Creating Connections: Celebrating 10 Years

Befriending is helping our communities to create connections and overcome various challenges. In addition, all these are not possible without the contribution of befrienders.

Befriending Week is a chance to celebrate and raise awareness about everything befriending is.

Become part of this special week and celebrate it with us by joining our Christmas-themed Arts & Crafts Afternoon on Tuesday 1st November at 12pm in Musselburgh.

Come to our online session of Mental Health Journalling on November 3 at 5pm,

or attend Volunteer Recruitment Day to learn more about befriending!

To book yourself on any of these activities contact Changes on 0131 653 3977 or info@changeschp.org.uk

Contact us 0131 653 3977 or info@changeseastlothian.org