Donation Received From Charity Day

Golf day’s £2,000 boost for mental health charity Changes
East Lothian Courier, 17th November 2024

From left, Andrew Duncan, Changes treasurer, Trevor Civval, Changes chair of the board, Jill Jeans, Changes CEO, and Alan Tweedie, secretary of Musselburgh Old Course Golf Club, and Mike McVean, also from Musselburgh Old Course Golf Club

THE work of an East Lothian-based mental health support charity will be supported with a cash boost from Musselburgh Old Course Golf Club’s charity day.

A cheque for £2,000 was handed over to Changes East Lothian at its office on Market Street, Musselburgh.

Changes said that it “relished” the opportunity to get out into the community and share its vision.

Golfers turned out in force not only to play in the competition but also donating “generous” raffle prizes.

The winner of the competition was Ali Scoots, with the trophy presented by Jill Jeans, CEO of Changes East Lothian.

Changes East Lothian thanked all those at the Musselburgh Old Course Golf Club who donated raffle prizes, bought tickets and played golf, and the sponsor, Qwik Lube car services.

Sixty-six golfers played at the event, which was described as “such a wonderful effort by everyone for a great community cause”.

Changes East Lothian provides therapy services for people in the county, including counselling, nature therapy and compassion-focused therapy.

It also runs a number of peer-led support courses and groups, as well as providing suicide prevention training and support.

In addition, the charity has befriending and buddying projects to combat loneliness and isolation, runs ukulele lessons to improve connections and mental health, as well as a variety of activities such as relaxation, boxercise, mental health swims, nature walks and creative arts and writing.

Mrs Jeans said: “The majority of our services at Changes East Lothian are free of charge, and local fundraising is always massively appreciated, especially in the current challenging financial climate.

“We would be delighted to receive support from any other organisations out there looking to support the mental health of the East Lothian community.”

To find out more about Changes East Lothian, visit, call 0131 653 3977 or email

Contact us 0131 653 3977 or