Suicide Prevention Training



This training will give you skills that you need to talk about suicide. Specifically, it gives you the skills to spot the very often hidden signs that someone might be thinking about killing themselves.

You will gain the confidence to use what you have seen to ask someone ‘Are you thinking of suicide?’. It helps alleviate concerns around asking what is a very difficult and scary question and explains what to do with any potential answer.

Find out more about Suicide Prevention Training from Public Health Scotland. Note: this link will take you away from Changes website.


3 hours

Who it’s for

This course is designed for everyone – you do not need to be a health professional or care worker. It’s a very basic first level awareness-raising course.

How it works

We run this course in East Lothian on behalf of the council. If you live or work in East Lothian, you are entitled to a free place. If you don’t live or work in East Lothian, you can get a space if there are any available but at a cost of £20. You must pay this fee when booking spaces.

How to register

Click on the link below to register your interest. Note that this is not a booking. You will be contacted by email when courses are due to start.

In addition, we offer this course to groups or organisations for fixed fees. If you would like to run a course, please email with your name and telephone number and we will contact you to discuss requirements and fees.

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)


This training will give you a general framework of what to do if a person is actively suicidal or even just be thinking about suicide.

You will learn:

This is a first aid intervention course specifically designed for suicide. It provides a framework proven to actually work and save lives.

Find out more about Suicide Prevention Training from Public Health Scotland. Note: this link will take you away from Changes website.


2 full days (run consecutively)

Who it’s for

This course is designed for everyone and you do not need to be a health professional or care worker. This is a second level first aid intervention course.

How it works

We deliver this course to groups between 12 and 24 people. We can’t deliver it to more or fewer people.

We deliver the course over two consecutive days and there is no flexibility in this. Given the nature of the subject and what can be discussed during the course, it is not recommended for anyone who has recently experienced loss by suicide or has attempted suicide.

We run these courses in East Lothian on behalf of the council. If you live or work in East Lothian, you are entitled to a free place. If you don’t live or work in East Lothian, you can get a space if there are any available but at a cost of £80. You must pay this fee when booking spaces.

How to register

Click on the link below to register your interest. Note that this is not a booking. You will be contacted by email when courses are due to start.

In addition, we offer this course to groups or organisations for fixed fees. If you would like to run a course, please email with your name and telephone number and we will contact you to discuss requirements and fees.

Upcoming Training

7th and 8th May 2024.

Contact us 0131 653 3977 or